Installing relay CLI

Relay CLI is only needed if you are forwarding to an internal destination such as http://localhost:8080,, etc.

Download and Install

Webhook Relay provides an official command client for quick configuration of webhook forwarding, tunnels and can also provision authentication tokens. It provides batteries-included agent for developing and testing workflows. It takes only a few seconds for it to start running with one-way HTTP request forwarding, bidirectional tunnels, and CLI for managing your resources.

Linux and MacOS users

Run the following script to download and setup the relay CLI:

curl | bash


iwr -useb | iex


Download the binary:

# For amd64
sudo fetch -o /usr/local/bin/relay

# For i386
sudo fetch -o /usr/local/bin/relay

Give it permissions to execute and update itself:

sudo chmod +wx /usr/local/bin/relay


First, open the dashboard and either register or login.

Then, go to the page and click on “create token” and follow the instructions:

create token

Once created, you can test it by running

relay bucket ls

Which should return a list of your buckets.

Download binaries directly

If you wish to skip using our installation script, you can find individual executables here:

# Linux x86-64 (64-bit)

# Linux x86 (32-bit)

# Linux aarch (64-bit)

# Linux arm (32-bit)

# Windows (64-bit)

# Windows (32-bit)

Using CLI behind proxy

When using relay CLI (webhookrelayd container also respects these variables) to specify a proxy that the application should use to connect, set environment variables:

export HTTP_PROXY=http://hostname:port/
export HTTPS_PROXY=http://hostname:port/

If the proxy will be performing MITM for HTTPS with untrusted certificate, specify RELAY_INSECURE variable to turn off TLS verification:

export RELAY_INSECURE=true

Forwarding webhooks behind a proxy

If your proxy cannot forward gRPC traffic, supply –ws flag to relay forward command:

relay forward --ws

This command will switch webhook transport from GRPC to WebSocket. The only downside of using WebSocket transport is that you will not be able to view response status code through the web UI as they are not returned. This will be changed in future and underlying protocols will offer same functionality.

Tunneling behind a proxy

When using tunnel, relay agent will create a TCP connection to either or other hosts based on the tunnelling region. Ensure that this URL is reachable.