
Autostart (Windows)

Learn how to configure background service so that Webhook Relay agent connects on Windows server startup


Install relay client

Open PowerShell:

opening powershell

Download and install the relay client:

iwr -useb | iex

You should see the following output:

running command to install

Now, create a file config in the C:\ProgramData\WebhookRelay directory:

config file location

With contents (get your key and secret from here):

version: "v1"
key: your-secret-key # will be encrypted on startup
secret: your-secret  # will be encrypted on startup
- windows-bin

Then, install and start the service:

relay service install -c 'C:\ProgramData\WebhookRelay\config.txt'

The agent is now installed and will be run after a system reboot.

To restart the service (if you change the configuration file):

relay service restart


  • To view the logs:
relay service install -c C:\ProgramData\WebhookRelay\config.txt  --logs-output C:\ProgramData\WebhookRelay\relay.log
  • If the service is not starting, check the logs in C:\ProgramData\WebhookRelay\relay.log
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