
Terraform Atlantis

Securely forward webhooks to Terraform Atlantis in Kubernetes cluster using Webhook Relay Operator

Atlantis with Terraform

Atlantis is an open source Terraform pull request automation tool. It works by receiving & processing webhooks from various source control management systems such as GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, etc. A full list of webhook providers can be found in Atlantis official docs.

In this tutorial, we will deploy Atlantis in a Kubernetes cluster that doesn't have public access.

Note that while we are using Helm to install both Webhook Relay and Atlantis services, this can be achieved with normal Kubernetes manifests.


  • Kubernetes environment and kubectl configured on your machine. For this tutorial, I will be using Minikube on my local machine but the same instructions will work on any other Kubernetes cluster such as GKE or EKS.
  • Helm CLI - a Kubernetes package manager.
  • Webhook Relay account - webhook forwarding solution to our internal Kubernetes environment.
  • GitHub

Git host access credentials

Atlantis will need to communicate with our Git hosting provider. Follow official documentation on getting access token that we can later use in the installation. For GitHub steps are:

  1. Create a Personal Access Token by following:
  2. Create the token with repo scope

Save the access token to your notepad or password manager, we will need it in the next step.


We will be using the official Atlantis Helm chart that can be found here:

Let's start by creating a namespace:

kubectl create ns atlantis

And let's switch context to it:

kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=atlantis


Add repositories:

helm repo add stable
helm repo update

And to install the Atlantis chart (don't forget to set your own details in github.user, github.token and github.secret):

helm upgrade --install atlantis stable/atlantis --version 3.12.2 \
  --set=github.user=rusenask \
  --set=github.token=XXX \
  --set=github.secret=very-secret \
  --set=service.type=ClusterIP \
  --set=ingress.enabled=false \

Here, variables are:

  • github.user - your GitHub username
  • github.token - your GitHub personal access token
  • github.secret - shared secret that will have to be shared with Atlantis
  • service.type - making sure Atlantis is not exposed as a NodePort service
  • ingress.enabled - disabling ingress
  • orgWhitelist - which repositories should be processed

To verify your installation, check pods:

kubectl get pods
atlantis-0   1/1     Running   0          95s

And services:

kubectl get svc
atlantis   ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP    9s

Webhook Relay operator

Once Atlantis is deployed, we will need to create a Webhook Relay operator which will ensure that webhooks will get delivered to our Atlantis pod.

Retrieve your access token key & secret pair from and set them as an environment variables:

export RELAY_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxxx
export RELAY_SECRET=xxxxx

Add Webhook Relay Operator Helm repository:

helm repo add webhookrelay
helm repo update

Install it:

helm upgrade --install webhookrelay-operator webhookrelay/webhookrelay-operator \
  --set credentials.key=$RELAY_KEY \
  --set credentials.secret=$RELAY_SECRET

We should see two pods running in our atlantis namespace:

kubectl get pods
NAME                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
atlantis-0                               1/1     Running   0          6m32s
webhookrelay-operator-65655d7c95-pvtnw   1/1     Running   0          13s

Operator doesn't forward webhooks on its own. Each created CR will ensure an agent deployment that is configured to route specific buckets.

Next step is to configure webhook forwarding to the atlantis service:

kind: WebhookRelayForward
  name: forward-to-atlantis
  - name: github-to-atlantis
    - name: public-endpoint
      description: "Endpoint for GitHub"
      responseBody: "OK"
      responseStatusCode: 200
    - name: atlantis-pod
      destination: http://atlantis:80

Save this file as whr-atlantis-cr.yaml and create it:

kubectl apply -f whr-atlantis-cr.yaml created

You should see a new pod running in your cluster:

kubectl get pods
NAME                                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
atlantis-0                                           1/1     Running   0          11m
forward-to-atlantis-whr-deployment-c9bf7fcd7-tz6zq   1/1     Running   0          14s
webhookrelay-operator-65655d7c95-pvtnw               1/1     Running   0          4m43s

Run a kubectl describe on our CRD:

kubectl describe forward-to-atlantis
Name:         forward-to-atlantis
Namespace:    atlantis
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  API Version:
Kind:         WebhookRelayForward
  Creation Timestamp:  2020-08-11T10:50:26Z
  Generation:          1
  Resource Version:    1582466
  Self Link:           /apis/
  UID:                 fbee4016-787d-4b3b-8915-d6c104f4b88c
      Description:           Endpoint for GitHub
      Name:                  public-endpoint
      Response Body:         OK
      Response Status Code:  200
    Name:                    github-to-atlantis
      Destination:  http://atlantis:80
      Name:         atlantis-pod
  Agent Status:  Running
  Public Endpoints:
  Ready:           true
  Routing Status:  Configured
Events:            <none>

Here we can see our public webhooks URL "". Find yours and let's add it to the GitHub.

You can also view your bucket configuration and agent connection status through buckets dashboard:

Buckets list

Git host configuration

GitHub configuration instructions can be found here However, if you are using any other git hosting provider that Atlantis supports, follow those steps.

Note that my instance endpoint is '' (yours will be different). Also, custom domains are available if you don't like the generated one.

If you're installing on the organization, navigate to your organization's page, and click Settings. If installing on a single repository, navigate to the repository home page and click Settings.

  1. Select Webhooks or Hooks in the sidebar
  2. Click Add webhook
  3. set Payload URL to http://$WEBHOOKRELAY_URL/events (or https://$WEBHOOKRELAY_URL/events if you're using SSL) where $WEBHOOKRELAY_URL is Webhook Relay public URL (in my example it's ''). Be sure to add /events
  4. double-check you added /events to the end of your URL.
  5. Set Content type to application/json
  6. Set Secret to the Webhook Secret you set previously when installing Atlantis helm chart

Note that if you're adding a webhook to multiple repositories, each repository will need to use the same secret.

  1. Select Let me select individual events
  2. Check the boxes
  • Pull request reviews
  • Pushes
  • Issue comments
  • Pull requests
  1. Leave Active checked
  2. Click Add webhook

Payload URL and Content Type should look something like this:

Webhook Configuration

Trying it out

Create a new change in GitHub in a file such as with a resource resource "null_resource" "example-1" {}. Atlantis will receive an event through Webhook Relay and create a plan:

Atlantis plan on PR

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